What are the best hours to work?
And how has this changed?
Jul 11, 2024
Choosing which hours to work each week is a big decision for anyone working on the gig platforms.
Most of us want to make sure we're earning the highest amount for each hour we spend working.
Hourly earnings are a product of two things:

Both of these things vary on different days and at different times meaning that I’ve had hours where I struggled to make a fiver and others where I’ve earned more than £20.
So we ran the numbers to see which the best and worst hours have been so far in 2024:

The headlines
The worst hour of the week is Wednesday 9am-10am.
The best hour of the week is Friday 7-8pm.
Sunday remains the best day overall.
Is there any difference compared to last year?
Comparing this years numbers to last year, there have been some interesting changes. It’s mostly red - average earnings have decreased. But Monday, Tuesday and Thursday have seen some increases; this is partly driven by more grocery orders.